3D printing process

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    3D Design
    The design process of 3D printing is: first modeling by computer modeling software, and then “partitioning” the built 3D model into layer-by-layer sections, that is, slices, so as to guide the printer to print layer by layer.

    The standard file format for collaboration between design software and printers is the STL file format. An STL file uses triangular faces to approximate the surface of an object. The smaller the triangle, the higher the resolution of the resulting surface. PLY is a scanner that generates 3D files by scanning, and the generated VRML or WRL files are often used as input files for full-color printing.

    The printer reads the cross-section information in the file, prints these sections layer by layer with liquid, powder or sheet materials, and then glues the layers of sections in various ways to create a solid. The feature of this technology is that it can create objects of almost any shape.

    The thickness of the section printed by the printer (that is, the Z direction) and the resolution of the plane direction, that is, the X-Y direction, are calculated in dpi (pixels/inch) or microns. The general thickness is 100 microns, or 0.1 mm, and some printers such as the ObjetConnex series and the 3D Systems’ ProJet series can print a layer as thin as 16 microns. The plane direction can print with a resolution similar to that of a laser printer. Printed “ink droplets” are typically 50 to 100 microns in diameter. Manufacturing a model using traditional methods usually takes hours to days, depending on the size and complexity of the model. With 3D printing, the time can be reduced to hours, depending on the capabilities of the printer and the size and complexity of the model.

    Traditional manufacturing techniques such as injection molding can produce polymer products in large quantities at lower cost, while 3D printing technology can produce relatively small quantities of products in a faster, more flexible and lower cost way. A desktop-sized 3D printer can suffice for a designer or concept development team to make models.

    Finish Printing
    The resolution of the 3D printer is sufficient for most applications (may be rough on curved surfaces, like jaggies on the image), to get higher resolution items you can: Punch out a slightly larger object and give it a little surface sanding to get a smooth-surfaced “high-res” item.

    Some technologies can print with multiple materials at the same time. Some technologies also use supports during the printing process. For example, when printing some objects with an upside-down shape, something that is easy to remove (such as soluble matter) needs to be used as supports.

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    The aluminum die casting process is the most popular way to make castings because it works well to produce a large number of castings. Unfortunately, parameters and non-standard operations can cause many kinds of defects.Here, we will discuss the different aluminum die casting defects causes and solutions.Internal and superficial are the two categories of aluminum die casting defects.

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